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Challenge: Improve Your Website

  • 51 Steps


Welcome to our Challenge: Improving Your Website. We will help you to improve your website and draw more clients in to your practice. This challenge is of 10 parts and will give you guidance, advice and relevant materials on how to improve your webpage. We have created and curated this course as we combined our insights from seeing hundreds of sexperts' websites and taking note of the common mistakes sexperts make, as well as searched the internet and found the best know-how to help you fix those common mistakes and issues. This challenge covers the following topics: 1. Dead links and broken buttons 2. How can less be more? 3. Boring or overwhelming people with colours? 4. Balance - how to be visually pleasing even more? 5. Remember to consider the client's Journey through your website 6. How to best use Testimonials on your page? 7. Pricing - to add or not? 8. Call for that action 9. For the love of SEO 10. Let Analytics serve you You are able to take this challenge whenever you want, in the time frame that you need the tasks to be done. But: It's still a Challenge for yourself - Do it, take the steps and scale your business today.


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